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Our sustainability goals

We are committed to making the world safer, sustainable and more comfortable for generations to come. Our environment and safety goals are anchored in our common 2030 sustainability goals and presented in our environmental, social and governance (ESG) report below. Additionally, we have broken the goals down to annual ones, monitoring the incremental change we need to see in order to reach these goals. We measure the effectiveness of our practices through several key performance indicators – and our dedication to consistent improvement is reflected in the numbers.



Autronica 2030 ESG Goals

2023 Performance


Achieve carbon neutral operations.

We continue to actively pursue programs which will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to achieve carbon neutrality across our operations.


We are seeking to reduce our emissions to 22TCO2e by reducing our electricity consumption and utilizing more renewable energy.


Our emissions associated with our fleet vehicles accounts for 412 TCO2e. We are currently exploring transitioning our fleet to lower emissions vehicles, including hybrid and electric.

Achieve water neutrality in our operations

We currently maintain water neutrality in our manufacturing operations.

Deliver zero waste to landfill from manufacturing locations

Autronica maintains 0% waste to landfill, and a waste recycle performance at 100% for all waste.


Maintain world-class safety metrics.

Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR): 0.00
(Number of recordable incidents per 200 000 work hours)

Lost Days Incident Rate (LDIR): 0.00
(Number of lost day incidents per 200 000 work hours)

Exceed benchmark employee engagement.

Achieve a Pulse survey Engagement Score of 74, which is a benchmark.

Governance & Transparency

Promote sustainability through partnerships programs.


To comply with the Transparency Act, Autronica will perform a due diligence of all suppliers addressing Enterprise risk, Country risk, Sector risk and Product risk.


To provide superior products and services in a responsible manner, we require our suppliers to meet our ethical and sustainability expectations as set forth in our Supplier Code of Conduct.


In an effort toward compliance to the Transparency Act, Autronica is certified ISO 45001 (Occupational

Health and Safety Management) and ISO 14001 (Environmental Management). We continuely address Enterprise risk, County Risk, Sector and Product risk, as well as perform due diligence reviews with our major suppliers to ensure our product life-cycle is considered in our environmental stewardship.