In the late 1950s, a radio repairer, an electronics engineer and two radar technicians created history in the technology capital of Norway; Trondheim. They were all entrepreneurs with a strong ambition to create something new together. The idea was simple: smart electronics, a wide product range and earnings that would reflect the development investment. Together, these technologists represented an ambitious management team and on 9 September 1957, Autronica A/S was a fact.
Then they began. From their loft and office beside the Nidelva river, they began development of flashing lights, photocell switches, fire alarms, power supplies and temperature monitoring. A life's work and a totally Norwegian industrial adventure was about to begin, and these four developers also proved to hold the start of one of the world's most important technological revolutions. A technology that now ensures that millions of people all over the world are safe, every day.
They developed the very first addressable fire alarm.
We are proud to be a solid part of Norway's industrial history. The entrepreneurial spirit lives on and each day we try to go that little bit further in creating the safest and most reliable technology in the world.